So this is cruising????
Our bags are packed we're ready to go. We're standing here at the door of our adventure - and then the weather changed.
I guess this is all part of going with the flow. We were scheduled to leave Monday but the weather and the head (toilet) were just not agreeable. Now the toilet is fixed - we got some good advice about proactive care - but the wind is right out of the north east - the direction we want to go. Sail boats can not sail directly into the wind. If it was 80 and sunny we might think about taking a long tack out into the lake for a better angle. But since it is in the 60s and cloudy, we decided to do a bit more organizing and set our sights on tomorrow.
As our friend and long time cruiser Ken put it - the boat broke, you fixed it and you are weathered in - Welcome to cruising!
New plan is leaving very early Wednesday morning.