C & D - Here we come 9.23.2017
Thank you Beth Judah Congregation in Wildwood NJ. Erev Rosh Hashanah they sent Sid to pick us up and return us to the marina so that we could attend services. Ron Isaacs was the traveling Rabbi who conducted the service. His wife, Leora, is a consultant to the Jewish Federation in Cleveland and we know many people in common. The Rabbi had a lovely voice and very actively included us in the service.

Rabbi Ron Isaacs

Bob kibbitzing with other congregants (boaters) prior to services.
The next morning, we left early in the am for the Delaware Bay. We had heard that the trip up the Delaware could be a rocky nightmare.
Bob set 17 waypoints along the Cape May point so that we could run close to shore without hitting any shallow spots. This cuts about 15 miles off the trip as compared to going outside the shoals. Hugh graphed the current to make sure we could run the full length of the bay without adverse current – and we left. As we exited Cape May we immediately picked up the favorable current and went from 5-6 knots to 8 knots. Once we rounded the point there was about a two foot chop – nothing for us Lake Erie Sailors. We ran a rhumb (wish it was rum) line just outside of the shipping channel and watched many freighters go by inside. We stuck to Hugh’s schedule and motored between 5-8 knots the entire way up the bay.
Once we got to Delaware City channel we called Tim for guidance into the marina. Active captain had indicated that Tim could be gruff – but that he was very knowledgeable. We have found that most dock masters know their water and if you listen to them you will have no problem docking in cramped, shallow water with rushing currents. This was no exception. And yes he was gruff and sarcastic – but after we saw another boat come in without radioing in advance, not listening to his instructions and ultimately hitting another boat we better understood his temperament.

All of the boats in the marina were docked along one long dock on the outside
Delaware City is a one street town with a few cute stores, a wonderful bike path that runs along the canal up to Chesapeake City, a restaurant with a great sense of humor- Crabby Dicks – and a great bar Lewinsky’s where we heard live music. The bar and the restaurant are both owned by the same people. Note that the bar, Lewinsky’s is on Clinton street – cute right?

Bob on the bike path at Delaware City

Lewinsky's on Clinton - great sense of humor.

Restroom at Crabby Dick's - one hell of a door closer.

Crabby Dicks ready for Halloween

Bike rack made by local artist.
We rode the bike path about five miles each way. Along the way, we saw a cemetery that had graves of African American soldiers that served curing the civil war. The ground for this cemetery had been purchased for $80 and then abandon, but was then rediscovered and restored. Along the path we came upon a snake, huge flying grasshoppers, a frog and lots of peaceful space.
The second day at Delaware City, two other boats arrived that are doing somewhat the same thing as we are. One is a Canadian couple on a 45 foot sailboat and the other on a 40 foot trawler. Both these couples have sold their homes and have been living on their boats for a while. Karen and I had been wondering for a while – where are all the other boats traveling south? So, it was refreshing to finally meet up with some other boats. They joined us last night for drinks and conversation and we didn’t get back to the boat until midnight – way past our bedtime.
Next stop – through the C & D canal and onto the Chesapeake.